


A fashion entrepreneur is a person who has ownership of a fashion organization, idea to start a new venture and assumes important responsibility for the inbuilt results and risks (Allen, 2010). The selected entrepreneurial organization for the present report is Georgia King London. The reason of chosen of the following one is the entrepreneurs of this venture are their determination, passion, resilience, confidence to do something new and unique, clear vision and flexible to adapt the changing demands in business (FITZGERALD, 2017). Georgia King London fashion brand has started by Georgia King and her mom Sarah. Both of them have turned their love of fashion and background in fashion sector by establishing a good brand. Georgia has graduated with a BA Honours degree in retail management and has doing jobs at various management positions at shop floor level. Along with this, she has also worked for independent boutiques and large premium fashion chains (Interview with fashion entrepreneur Georgia King, 2014).

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Interview with Georgia King London Entrepreneur

To know about the business of Georgia King, a face to face interview was conducted. In this, various open ended and business related questions were asked by interviewer. All the details and responses of interviewee were recorded in both written and save in voice form. During the interview, Georgia was responded very politely and to the point answers of asked questions. The detail questions with entrepreneur responses are as follows:

What is the career background of Georgia King?

From the response of Georgia, it has found that she has graduated with a BA Honours degree in retail management areas and after this, she has employed at various effective management positions at shop floor level in retail organizations. She has also worked experience of independent boutiques and large premium fashion stores. Georgia has stated in interview that she has also worked for a major childrenswear brand.

What inspired Georgia to start own fashion brand with her mom?

On the basis of given answer of Georgia, it has determine that she and her mom, both have loved beautiful products. They have always wanted to do some unique and different for customer services.For this, they were just waiting for the right time to begin the business.

During starting of business, Georgia was pregnant with her first baby. That time, how did she manage it?

For Georgia, it was a great challenge but she was changed a thing and honestly enjoyed every moment. The most difficult thing was juggling the hospital appointments with suppliers meetings. This was an exciting time in time file of Georgia King London.

Georgia has just launched its debut collection for AW 14. What is it like and where can women buy it?

AW 14 is a British Collection and it present Georgia King London brand. All collection have designed in Greenwich and produced in the UK. These have available online on company website where women can purchase it and increase the beauty of wardrobe.

How Georgia King would like to define his brand and who is it aimed it?

Georgia King London brand is the combination of integrity and quality where collection of organization targets women aged between 21 to 55 years old. The design of products suits to all age women where style, comfort, quality and fit are the main focuses of business from designing to distribution of the goods.

What was the biggest challenge face by Georgia King London in launching of brand?

As per the response of Georgia, it has determined that finding of good UK suppliers who can work efficiently and deliver high quality products on time.

What was the biggest success to date?

Fantastic response and increase sales volume about the set targets.

Who inspires Georgia to open Georgia King London organization?

Jane Shepherdson – CEO at Whistles has inspired Georgia.

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Academic Analysis

Research by Lynda Applegate, Janet Kraus, and Timothy Butler at Harvard Business School takes a unique approach to understanding behaviours and skills associated with successful entrepreneurs. From this, they have determined that there are 11 dimensions of entrepreneurial leadership. Along with this, they have also found a significant different between male and female entrepreneurial leadership on some particular aspect (Skills and Behaviors that Make Entrepreneurs Successful, 2016). On the basis of this, researchers have developed future opportunities for entrepreneurial leaders. In the case of Georgia King London, owner of the company has followed 11 dimensions of entrepreneur at the time of establishing the business.

Second article has based on Turning One Thousand Customers into One Million. This shows that how Uber, Etsy, and Airbnb climbed from one thousand customers to one million. To increase customer numbers from 0 to 1000, these three start-ups has faced several issues like how can they attract suppliers, how to gain attention of customers etc. To overcome all such kinds of problems, these three organizations have followed samemarketing principles and strategies where they have initially focused over supply side rather than demand side. Along with this, they have improved quality of services and products and increase consumer base from thousand to millions (Turning One Thousand Customers into One Million, 2016). Same tactics have followed by Georgia King at the time of establishing of brand in the UK and to raise customer base. This has only thing that make the business successful.

The article written by Bill George with name of The Truth About Authentic Leaders where “authentic leadership" approach to management has explained. As per the author, authentic leaders monitor their words and behaviours in careful manner at the time of interacting with audiences and colleagues (The Truth About Authentic Leaders, 2016). By linking this article with Georgia King London case study, it has found that owner of the organization has followed authentic leadership during running the business. Before communicate to employees, suppliers, customers and business partners, Georgia has monitored its information and behaviour.

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Advice to Georgia King London Entrepreneur

Georgia King should take what she is doing very seriously because without having a truly believe in business and offer goods and services which is selling, it is not easy to make the trade successful. She has to pre plan everything such as market research, compilation of data, developing business plans for new projects. These all will help in to measure the success of Georgia King London. Along with this, by managing funds wisely, Georgia King London owner will make the business more successful and effective with the time (Demil, Lecocq, Ricart and Zott, 2015).


From the above research, it has found that Georgia King London has famous fashion brand which has established by Georgia King. She has lot of work experience in retail organizations. At the time of taking interview, interviewer has asked several questions to her. These all have related to business of Georgia King London, career background, aims, inspiration of conducting the business etc. The responses have recorded in both written and verbal form. Apart from this, different articles have taken into the consideration for understanding the meaning and importance of entrepreneurship.


Books & Journals

  • Allen, K.R., 2010.Entrepreneurship for scientists and engineers. Prentice Hall.
  • Demil, B., Lecocq, X., Ricart, J.E. and Zott, C., 2015. Introduction to the SEJ special issue on business models: business models within the domain of strategic entrepreneurship.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.;9(1). pp.1-11.
  • Online
  • Skills and Behaviors that Make Entrepreneurs Successful. 2016. [Online]. Available through :<>. [Accessed on 23rd February 2017].
  • Turning One Thousand Customers into One Million. 2016. [Online]. Available through :<>. [Accessed on 23rd February 2017].
  • The Truth About Authentic Leaders. 2016. [Online]. Available through :<>. [Accessed on 23rd February 2017].
  • Interview with fashion entrepreneur Georgia King. 2014. [Online]. Available through :<>. [Accessed on 23rd February 2017].
  • FITZGERALD, E., 2017. 8 Characteristics of a Successful Fashion Entrepreneur. [Online]. Available through :<>. [Accessed on 23rd February 2017].
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